Indonesi Java International Destination is Indonesia especially seo contest in addition to introducing tourism bali Indonesia is Java who want to introduce the tourism wealth of Java Indonesia which is not less beautiful and full of diverse cultures as one of its natural wealth of Indonesia other than the beautiful culture of Indonesia also vary very interesting and wanted to introduce to the international world who want to find interesting sights for the enjoy.
In the discussion of Java's mission at the International Destination is addressed to the bloggers contestant Indonesi Java International Destination is introducing tourism in particular Indonesia and other java bali because tau island of the gods themselves are already in flooded international tourists from various countries. There are many tourist places in java that Indonesia needs to visit the international foreign tourists, one of them is Borobudur. One of the places java tourism is a big potential to invite foreign tourists came.
The temple has artistic carvings mengunadang clicking sound that can be in awe of this particular java Indonesia, besides carving so much more amazing is stored in it, the impression of private TV stations in java recent visit to Borobudur is slightly different because of the applied use of Batik as the knee cap or phrase used as a substitute for underwear java language often called tapih. And what response comes from the mouth of foreign tourists visiting Indonesia this exact java? they feel comfortable wearing this semacanm attributes and very happy to use it. In a contest there are some rules, gifts, mission and logo to be my friend all the bloggers notice.
Regulation Indonesi Java International Destination:
1. The commencement of the contest is December 23, 2009 (12:00 Hours wib).
2. Contest end date is 1 April 2010 (12:00 Hours wib).
3. Announcement date. 4 April 2010 4. Only the techniques of ethical SEO can be used in this contest, and the jury has the right to review the techniques used by the winners, to be sure.
5. Not allowed any element of pornography, discrimination, or unlawful actions in the implementation of the contest.
6. Target Keyword: "Indonesia Java International Destination"
7. This contest uses English as the content relevance.
8. The relevance of the content are concerned here, make the English-language content targeted keywords and readable.
9. Only registered participants can compete and win prizes offered by the committee.
10. Registration is free of charge and open to everyone without age limit. 11.
Each participant entry pages should have links back can be seen on
12. One person can only get one gift.
13. Maximum domain Age 4 years.
14. You are allowed to use an existing domain name, but the page/URL of the submitted entry must be completely new with no back links and previous cache version.
15. No domain and subdomain using targeted keywords in lombakan.
16. Organizers and the teams are allowed maker contest, but is not entitled to any prize.
17. Rules could be added or modified from time to time in accordance with feedback received from participants.
18. Target winnings SEO Contest The Incredible Java result in
Backlink is required:
For more information about our SEO contest, please visit the SEO Contest Information page and/or if you plan to follow our contests, you can do so by filling out the Registration Form.
Mission Indonesi Java International Destination:
Tourism sector is very potential for economic empowerment of the people and have a multiplier effect which is very broad. Because of the efforts in the tourism sector is directly related to many other sectors that affect people's economic life.
"The concept of community-based tourism development is an effective step to make the tourism sector providing optimal benefits to the community," SEO Contest The Incredible Java was held to urge people to make content useful and dominate the search engines by making a search model of new international destinations on the island of Java after Bali.
Gift Indonesia Java International Destination:
1. Gifts I = Rp. 10.000.000, - + awards from the Tourism Promotion Board Yogyakarta (BP2KY).
2. Gifts II = Rp. 6.000.000, - + awards from the Tourism Promotion Board Yogyakarta (BP2KY).
3. Gift III = Rp. 4.000.000, - + awards from the Tourism Promotion Board Yogyakarta (BP2KY).
4. 100 Gift of entertainment for participants in the order of 100 search pages.
* Prizes will be transferred to an account that has been in the winner set.
* Prizes will be delivered entertainment to the winner's home address.
Logo Indonesi Java International Destination :

Rules, prizes, mission and logo of the contest SEO Indonesia Java blogger International Destination is the buddy should understand in advance to enter a contest SEO Indonesia Java International Destination. Because I'm not a complete explanation please see my friend the following link is a direct link of seo contest organizer Java Indonesia International Destination.
1 komentar:
Brkt Rahmat Tuhan YME, Lagu ku brsma CS Band, rampung juga,slmt mndengarkan..jgn lupa unduh ya
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